Saturday, December 12, 2009

Not So Silent Night In Oakland 2009

So my amazing Mom flew my brother and I up to her place in San Jose to go to a concert with her. "Not So Silent Night" is an annual concert up here with some top-notch performers. We got floor spots and squeezed our way to the front. We were hot and sweaty as a mofo but we had an amazing time. I got to see two of my all time favorite bands: MUSE and AFI plus some very good others. Also, some girl bit my arm because I was trying to break up their girl fight. Nice!

Me and my bro, Steve

Mi Madre

My favorite security guard, dubbed, "Dirty Santa"

That guy is way too tall for his own good

First band: "Vampire Weekend". They were whatever...

Seconds band: "30 Seconds To Mars."

Mars was great. They got up-close and personal. I miss his musk.

Third band: AFI

We had stellar spots. Davey's pants put off a great silver shine.

Last and definitely not least: MUSE!

Muse was SO good. Matt Bellamy is a grade A Stallion.

Pee break. Their set had very studly lighting effects...

and a studly white piano.

As part of Muse's Amazingness, they released big ol' balloons filled with confetti.

So rad...

I can't even describe how amazing Muse was. They're such a talented band and kick butt live performers. If you've not listened to them yet, please, check them out. As you can tell they're kind of like Lady Gaga, Josh Groban and Miley Cyrus.

Amazing bands, Dirty Santa, bitten arm, rainy weather, great night.
(Outside the show they were giving away a ton of new Monster flavors, so Im a little buzzed on energy drinks that's why the 4:00 am post and the 5,000 spelling errors.)

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

did you notice?

Erik got his hair cut! He has been growing it out for months so he could have it long during the winter but I have been driving him crazy about cutting it. I came home last Thursday and he cut it for my birthday! I will admit I like it a little bit longer, just not as long as he had it. It got a little out of hand.
It went from this:

to this mullet looking thing:

he lost all of this hair:

and he now looks like this!

That is why I have the best husband in the world. Yes mom I know that was sweet and mushy or whatever but I really do! He does so much just to make me happy, I'm kind of spoiled in that way.
Curiosity is killing me, do you like it better short or long?
Please comment!


If you don't know by now, Disneyland is basically my favorite place EVER ON THS ENTIRE EARTH! (for some reason I felt that if I put it in caps it would make it more true). But I'm not a fake lover of Disneyland, I'm a real one. A fake lover is when they buy the Disney clothes and have been to the land a few times, but they don't know the hidden secrets. Like where the best ice cream is, how to keep dry on Splash Mountain, and how to strategize the usage of a fast pass. A fake lover doesn't know where all of the hidden Mickey's are (don't know what a hidden Mickey is? well I'm not telling you). But not me, I'm a real lover. I know all of those tips. That's why going to Disneyland is so much fun with me (Erik even said so, you can ask him). Well last Saturday was my 20th birthday and Erik surprised me with a trip to DISNEYLAND! When I say surprise I mean he told me a month in advance by casually mentioning it in the kitchen one morning. But I didn't care at that moment, because we were going to Disneyland!
So we packed our bags and loaded everything in the ranger, including the $30 I spent on snacks. (hungry=cranky=no fun!)
One of Erik's mission companions John was nice enough to let us stay at his house for the weekend. His parents fixed us dinner when we got there and made breakfast for us in the morning. It was so wonderful! They were so nice and it definitely helped us out alot. Thank you Skaggs family!
One of the things I was looking so forward to was wearing the Birthday Pin! It said "Happy Birthday Amber" and I sported that thing like it came straight from Tiffany's.

Us on Indiana Jones. I'm pretty sure they wanted to yell at us for taking so many pictures while on rides. Oh well it was my birthday.

Me and my churro. I savored every cinnamon-sugary-butterness-$3 bite. It was amazing.

We're too cheap to buy the pictures, so Erik takes his own pics. For some reason everyone got the biggest kick out of Erik reading that book in the picture. I'm pretty sure they wanted to buy it just to show their friends.

Ice cream from the best place on Main Street while waiting for the parade to start. Yes Erik does have ice cream on his face and yes the people behind us did laugh about it for about ten minutes.

The castle looked so pretty at night! And that was around the spot that an old red headed lady called Erik a not-so-nice word for bumping into her. I punched her.

The fireworks were AMAZING! I think I was bugging everyone around me with my clapping and squealing and "Oooohs" and "Aaaaahs". I didn't care, it was my birthday.

It was the best birthday I have ever had!
My family went out to dinner and had cake to celebrate before we left. My parents got me a Kitchenaid! What's a kitchenaid you say? It's that cool mixer you plug into the wall and it stands all by itself and it's amazing! I was so shocked. My sister and brother in law also got me a Costco membership which I have been needing so I am way exicted. Now I just feel the urge to go bake something! I forgot my camera that night so hop on over to my mom's blog to see pictures (if she hasn't posted them yet she will soon!)
Hope you guys had a good weekend and MERRY CHRISTMAS!