I know I know. I have been MIA. But we are just going to skip all of the apologies and get straight to it. I usually just think that I am the only person reading my blog, and occasionally my mom reads it too. But since
I'm not that funny, I know she usually skips it. And then I got a message on facebook from a girl I went to high school with. No big deal right? That's what facebook is for. The thing that really got me was that she was a foreign exchange student from Brazil (Hi Juliana!) I pretty much believed she completely forgot who I was. But when I got that message she said she loved reading my blog and was happy to see I am married with a baby. What??? You remember me? Are you sure you are thinking of the right person?
So, here I am. Instead of typing away on my keyboard thinking all of my words are shooting into oblivion, I come here with purpose. The past few weeks have been nothing close to huge events but it has been life and we are enjoying it as much as we can.
Chick or Tweet
This year was Jude's first Halloween so we knew we had to go all out. The holiday was completed with pumpkin carving, carmel apples, and trick or treating. Or should we say, Chick or Tweeting.
As many times as he tried, Jude was not allowed a carving utensil. Instead he enjoyed a nice evening inside his saucer laughing at us as we squirmed while gutting out the pumpkins. (See his shirt?? He picked it out all by himself. Okay not really but I like to put him in it. It makes Erik jealous)
Jude's Halloween costume was the cliche chicken outfit (you can think of your own sarcastic voice for that sentence). We were going back and forth as to what we should dress him in but when I came across this costume for $7, it was clucking at me. I had to have it.
We went to a small Halloween party and Erik and I based our costumes around Jude's. The chicken was just too good to even think of doing anything else. Erik was super crafty and not only thought of the idea for his costume but made the whole thing 100% by himself. He was so proud.
The fam on Halloween. If you say my child looks like a girl I will stick my fist through your computer and quite possibly smack you around for a little bit. Everyone on Halloween said our daughter looked so cute. EVERYONE. And you can tell by this pic that he wasn't too happy about it. As we went trick or treating and approached each house by saying "Chick or Tweet!" we got many looks of "Really? You are
those parents??". Yes we are
those parents. The parents who take their kids trick or treating and think of fun ways to say trick or treat that coincide with the costume even though their child doesn't have teeth, can't eat the candy, can't talk and say "chick or tweet", and has no idea they are even in a costume. Yes we are
those parents. And we enjoyed every second of it.
Sick Boy
A few weeks ago Jude had a bit of a stuffy nose. The weather is changing and he gets a stuffy nose quite a bit so we didn't think much of it. About 11 pm we heard him coughing through the monitor and we could tell he was having a hard time breathing. We brought him into bed with us because we are paranoid and we will also think of any excuse for him to sleep in bed with us. From that point on Erik and I didn't really sleep much the rest of the night. He was running a pretty high temperature and we could tell it took serious effort just for him to breathe. Jude was constantly waking up and it took us forever to get him back down. Erik left for work around 4:30 am and we were going to try to make it until 8 o'clock when the dr's office opened. It was about 5:30 that I decided he had gotten bad enough and I knew I had to take him to the emergency room. He was running a temperature of 102 and it took everything in me not to run around like crazy trying to get out of the house. I was lucky I left with pants and a bra on. As I was trying to sneak out of the house (have I mentioned we live with Erik's parents? I don't think I have...well we do), Erik's dad heard me leaving and said he would come with me.
Thankfully there was no wait at the emergency room so we got right in. Jude sounded like a seal when he coughed and it reminded me of something I would get when I was a child. As we got back into our room I was pacing the room back and forth calling Erik at work every 3 minutes to keep him updated. To add some comic relief to our morning, everyone at the hospital thought that Erik's dad, Mark, was my husband. We let it slide the first few times, but after about the fifth time someone called him "dad" we finally corrected them by saying he wasn't a dirty old perv, and he was almost 30 years old when I was born. I mean he's a wonderful guy but I prefer mine a little younger, you sick-nasty.
After being checked out by the doctor, the physician's assistant, 3 nurses, and about 4 people who said they were just "observing", it was decided he had croup. That explains the seal like bark. They had him breathe from a humidifier for a while and then gave him a breathing treatment.
Baby Einstein was the only way to keep him calm. Desperate times call for desperate measures. (Mark's hand not mine, in case you couldn't tell, duh)
In between the humidifier and his breathing treatment we had to switch rooms. I told them I didn't mind carrying him but they insisted on pushing him on the bed. (All I had was my phone, sorry for the bad pics)
Once we got into our second room Jude needed the breathing treatment. Try strapping a mask onto a 10 month old. Not that easy. It took a lot of twisting and turning and yanking and pulling:
Some toys and Baby Einstein to bribe him into keeping the mask on. Notice how I had to hold his hands so he wouldn't yank it off.
Once he finished the breathing treatment we both fell asleep as soon as we could. He had to stay for a few more hours for observation, so he and I decided to take a little nappy nap. Mark sat there the whole time with me and made sure the humidifier was close to Jude so he could breathe from it while we slept. Like I said, he's a good guy, but I still prefer his son.
Of course once the breathing treatment was over and he woke up from his nap he was back to his happy self. Nothing can hold this baby down (once again sorry for the phone pic).
It lasted about another week and a half. Both Erik and I got sick (Erik even got laryngitis!), along with the rest of our families. No fun!
Exciting Moments
We knew when Jude was born that he was going to have what they call "delays". We like to look at it as more time to spend with him before he realizes we really aren't that cool and he wants to run off and do other things. More time for us to spend with him as a baby. But even though we like to look at it that way, it is really fun when Jude does something new.
Jude's bedroom also serves as a study room for Erik to do his homework. About a week ago Erik was getting his things together to leave for school as I was cleaning Jude's room. During those times I usually put Jude in his crib with some toys, that way he is in there with me without getting in to stuff as I am trying to clean up. Erik and I were just having small talk before he left when we both paused and looked at each other excitedly. Jude had been quiet for a few minutes and as we looked into the crib at him we could tell he was in some deep concentration. He only lays on his stomach in his crib. Occasionally he will roll to his back, and then back to his stomach. He will sit down in there if we put him in there that way, but after a few minutes he falls over and rolls to his stomach and the pattern repeats itself. Stomach, back, stomach, back. This particular time I knew he was on his stomach when Erik and I looked over and found this (once again, phone pic. it all happened so fast I had to grab the picture before he moved):

Um hello, does anyone else see how exciting just that small movement was?!? He was 10 1/2 months when this happened. According to all of the books we read and other statistics that people are constantly shoving in our face this isn't supposed to happen until he is about 16 months. Of course we threw those books and statistics out the window long ago but still, hello! As Erik ran around searching for the camera I snapped a few more on my phone. He went from his knees to his feet as if he had been doing it for months and it was the easiest thing for him.
He only had one little blip where he almost fell over...
But just as easily he quickly picked himself back up.
Tada! Are you enjoying the massive bed head he has? Mornings when he has bed head like this I usually put off combing his hair until I absolutely have to. I just love it too much. I am also diggin on the look he is giving me, "Don't you dare take my picture one more time".
We lowered his mattress that day. He still tries to stand up in his crib but usually fails. Instead he will try and poke his head through the bars as if he is stuck in prison and begging us for our food crumbs.
Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree
This weekend we also went with some friends to cut down our own Christmas tree. We did the same thing last year but it was definitely more fun having him with us this time.
We had been driving around for a while looking for just the right spot to look for a tree to cut down. When we decided to park and start walking around looking for one Jude really needed to be fed. Since it was so windy outside I said I would stay in the car and feed him and I would catch up when he was done. While I was feeding him Jude fell asleep.
So of course, I just stayed in the car and fell asleep with him. I'm really not sure which way this picture was originally taken, but I really didn't feel like taking the time to figure it out.
It was a perfect trip. Mommy and Jude stayed in the car and took a nap while Daddy went and cut down the tree. When Jude woke up and we decided to get out of the car, Daddy came back 30 seconds later with our tree! Jude and I didn't have to do anything at all, now that's what I'm talking about.
We got our own little Charlie Brown tree that fits perfectly in Jude's room.
You will have to stay tuned to see us decorate it!
To end this eternally long post I give you a few more pictures of Jude that are probably my favorite as of this moment. That could easily change tomorrow because lets face it, we pretty much have the cutest baby of all the babies. Please enjoy the feast of Jude!
The day after he came home from the hospital. You would have never known he was sick unless you heard him breathing. He has loved that tambourine since my sister and her "special friend" got it for him as a get well present.
He went through a phase where he would pick up both his arms and legs and try to hold them there as long as possible. I guess he's just trying to get his exercise in.
Love it when he falls asleep with his fingers in his mouth.
I really don't think I can explain what is happening in this picture or what is even going through his mind at this moment...
Life has been good to us and we have just been trying to enjoy the good things. We are both so grateful for everything we have and that we have each other. We hope as the week of thanks approaches, life treats you just as good!