Friday, October 22, 2010

random story for today

When my mom was pregnant with us she chewed ice all the time.  It kind of carried on into when we were growing up as well.  I chewed ice all through junior high and high school, I could never get enough (that was my mormon addiction).  Although when Erik and I got married, he quickly put a stop to that bad habit.  He always tells me that the first work that he is going to do as a dentist is not going to be fixing my teeth from my addicted days.

But now that I am pregnant I completely understand what my mom was talking about when she said that she just had to have her ice while she was pregnant and that nothing else could substitute.  I don’t want it like I used to, I NEED it now.  I am blessed to have one of the best ice machines at work, and I fill my 32 oz cup with ice at least 4 times a day.  Erik tries to stop me now all the time by taking my ice away from me, but when I get that crazy look in my eyes and say slowly “GIVE.ME.MY.ICE”, he has learned to oblige.

The other night I was at my parent’s house while Erik was at school because I don’t like being home alone, it scares me.  I bribed my mom into going to Sonic with me to get ice, and because she’s the best she came along for the ride.  While I was there I decided to get one bag for my house and one bag for hers so they can have good ice too (and so that I can have good ice when I go over). Shockingly, I left my bag of ice in her freezer when I left that night.

So last night when I was at my parent’s house, again because Erik had school, I remembered my ice! I put it in the back seat of my car and drove home….and went straight inside. My precious ice stayed in the back seat of my car all night.  I finally remembered at about 6 o clock this morning, right after my leg cramp went away.  I quickly jumped up, threw whatever clothes I could find on (which ended up being Erik’s sweatpants and the dress I wore to work yesterday), and ran out to my car.  I thought I was going to find the plastic bag sitting there in a huge puddle of water.  I thought my car was going to stink horribly, and I was going to have to do some serious repairs for weeks to get it back to normal.  Instead when I threw the back door open, I found my bag of ice still sitting there completely frozen.  It had lasted through the whole night without melting.

Fall is here :)

1 comment:

Sheila said...

Hi there! I had to comment because I have this addiction too! But I'm not pregnant. I litteraly eat ice from morning to night all day everyday. I completely understand. And I also dirve everyone around me nuts. I was told it was because I'm anemic. I don't know, but I do know I can't get enough of it. At least my hubby isn't a dentist and doesn't even try to stop me! Good luck!!