Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Series of Unfortunate Events

"Nosebleeds tend to occur more often during pregnancy.  Pregnancy can cause the blood vessels in your nose to expand, and your increased blood supply puts more pressure on those delicate vessels, causing them to rupture more easily." -Babycenter.com

And that is how my weekend began.  Saturday morning I woke up earlier than I normally do on my blessed day to sleep in, because I had an all day relief society activity.  I had signed up to bring a sweet treat, that way I would feel some sort of responsibility and make sure I actually showed up on time.  As Erik and I were laying in bed trying to get the other one to get up first, I got a stuffy nose.  No biggie, I usually get a stuffy nose in the morning.  I couldn't help but think how quickly this one came on.  I reached up to wipe some of what I thought was snot away, and I realized someone turned the faucet on in my nose and it was bleeding.  I quickly jumped up and ran to the bathroom screaming "My nose is bleeding! What do I do?! I've never had a bloody nose before! HELP ME!" Except my words didn't come through as clear, and instead I was talking like Neville Longbottom in Harry Potter 5 (if you know what part I'm talking about you are automatically awesome).  Erik comes running in after me, shoves toilet paper up my nose, sits me down on the toilet and tells me not to move.  A few seconds later I hear the "clickity click" of him typing, and then he is shouting certain instructions to me. "Don't tilt your head back! Only pinch the tip of your nose! Don't swallow!" Thank goodness for Google.  After about 45 minutes of blood coming out of both nostrils strong enough for a fire hose, me spewing it out of my mouth every 5 seconds, and Erik putting bags of frozen cheese on my cheeks because it "helps with the coagulation", it finally went away.  I swear I thought I was going to need a blood transfusion after that.  Let's just say, I didn't make it to relief society on time.

That night Erik and I went to our friends Nate and Kenzi's house to make mexican food and play some awesome Mario Kart on the wii.  As usual, I fell asleep around 10-11 o'clock, and Erik kept playing video games with friends like they was 14 years old again. He finally woke me up around 1 in the morning telling me it was time to leave, and then half carried me to the car.  When we finally got home, we found ourselves staring at our front door, and then looking at the other person.  We had locked ourselves out, perfect. It was now almost 1:30 on Sunday morning, and we couldn't get into our apartment.  After about a half an hour of me trying to jimmy-jangle a bobby pin to try and unlock the door, and Erik trying to bust the screen off of our living room window, we were finally able to break into our own apartment.  Erik had to jam the window open, making tons of noise.  We thought we were going to have a gun pulled on us, or the cops called because of how much noise we were making.

5 hours later, Sunday morning greeted us with another bloody nose. This time I didn't get it all over the sheets or all over myself, thankfully.  As we were running out the door with church starting 5 minutes ago, we found that my car battery was dead.  Seriously?? As if this weekend wasn't bad enough! We found ourselves looking at each other asking who left the overhead light on.  Well no light was left on, my battery was just gone.  Dead. Finished. No more.  After church we tried jumping the battery to see if that would help, but no. Of course not.  We went to the local AutoZone (let the lightning strike now, we went somewhere on Sunday), to buy a new battery, and $100 later we were all set to go.

I wish I had taken pictures of some of this stuff, but I only had my g's on with the bloody nose and that would not have been a pretty picture.  I was too tired to take a picture of Erik breaking into our apartment, and by the time the dead battery happened none of it was funny at the time.  So for now you just get to imagine what it all looked like.  Goodnight!

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