Wednesday, September 1, 2010

21 weeks

I know it's been a few weeks, but today I am 21 weeks.  Baby Jude is now the length of a banana!  I still can't believe how pointy my stomach looks, I always thought it would look more round.  Even though I am so exhausted every day, I am absolutely loving being pregnant! I usually have something to complain about, from my back hurting to always wanting more sleep, I still love every minute of it.  He's kicking all the time now, it feels like a constant twitch.  I can't tell what part of his body is where, but I still love feeling him kick.  It makes it so much more real. 
I am eating more and more every day.  Last night I ate an entire box of Kraft mac n' cheese by myself.  I was planning on making it and saving about half for left overs that I could take to work, but before I knew it all of it was gone.  And the sad part was, I wasn't extremely full.  You would think I would be moaning and groaning like Thanksgiving dinner, but I felt fully satisfied.  I ate an ice cream bar about 30 minutes later.  I still eat potatoes all the time.  In fact I eat 2 baked potatoes for lunch every day.  And sometimes a third, if they're small.  I seriously can not get enough of them.  Jude kicks the most after I eat potatoes, so I love eating them even more. 
I seriously can not wait until this little man comes out, I just want to meet him so bad! I am so excited to be his mommy, but it also terrifies me!  I am always telling Erik I'm going to be a terrible mom, but I know I'm going to love him so much more than I do now!

**pics from our San Francisco trip coming soon!**

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