Monday, January 17, 2011


Because Jude was in the NICU for his eating problems, I have to feed him every 3 hours whether he let's me know he's hungry or not. That includes setting my alarm in the middle of the night for every 3 hours to wake him up. I have been doing this for the last month and to say the least it has been exhausting. I have not had more than 3 consecutive hours of sleep at a time. It may not seem that bad, and it really isn't, but it has begun to wear on me. Because he has been gaining weight and getting stronger I have decided to move to a feed-on-demand approach. I was quite excited last night when I didn't set my usual 3 alarms to wake up during the course of the night. I was then equally disappointed when my body naturally woke me up 3 hours later, as if it knew I was on a schedule. This is where it gets weird.

I have never been much of a sleep walker/talker, that was always my sister Aubrey. We shared a room together growing up and I had to stop her from doing things she might later regret, and convince her of many other things like: no the ceiling fan is not a helicopter and, if you jump off the top bunk of our bunk bed you will inded fall to the ground instead of flying off into the unknown. Since I was pregnant I have found myself having some pretty strange dreams which sometimes result in me acting them out or reliving them in some sort of way (remember that time I wet the bed? Because I sure do).

Last night I fed My Man and put him to sleep. I was excited to see if it would be a night where he would be waking me up every few hours, or if I might get some sleep. 3 hours later my body naturally woke me up out of habit. I can remember waking up and thinking I had something extremely important to do. I grabbed Jude out if his bassinet and it wasn't until I had him laying on my bed, naked, and trying to put his arms through the leg holes of his jammies and his feet through the arm holes that I completely woke up and realized that, no Dwight Schrute from The Office did not come to my house to convince me that if I put his jammies on backwards then it would increase brain development. Somehow I had dreamt that and definitely felt the need to try it out. Lets just say the next few hours consisted of me trying to get a very ticked off baby back to sleep.

We'll try again tomorrow night.

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